Title: One Question Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Smallville Character/Pairing: CLex (Clark/Lex), Jonathan/Martha Rating: PG/K+ Challenge/Prompt: ComicDrabbles #146: Coming Out Warning(s): None Word Count: 200 Date Written: 26 February, 2016 Summary: ( Jonathan Kent has only one question for his son. )
Working Title: Above the World Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Smallville Character/Pairing: Clex (Clark/Lex) Rating: PG-13/T Challenge: #97: Devotion Warning(s): Future Fic Word Count: 280 Summary: ( Lex takes what he needs however he can get it. )
Working Title: A Shock in Smallville Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Smallville Character/Pairing: Clex (Clark/Lex), Lana, Chloe Rating: PG/K+ Challenge: #90: Dog collar Warning(s): None Word Count: 100 Summary: ( Clark and Lex shock a party in Smallville. )
Working Title: Drawing from the Past Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Smallville Character/Pairing: Clex (Clark/Lex), also mentions Jonathan/Martha Rating: PG/K+ Challenge: #86: Tree Warning(s): Dark Future Drabblet, AU, Character Deaths mentioned/inferred Word Count: 313 Summary: ( Clark draws much more from a certain old tree. )
Working Title: The Devil Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Smallville Character/Pairing: Clex (Clark/Lex) Rating: PG-13/T Challenge: #83: Chicken Warning(s): Slash, Character Deaths (not of the named characters), Darkish Word Count: 500 Summary: ( Lex is determined to protect Clark, whatever the costs. )
Working Title: 'Til Death Do We Part Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Smallville Character/Pairing: Clex (Clark/Lex), suggested Clark/Lana, technical Lex/Lana Rating: PG/K+ Challenge: #80: Divorce Warning(s): None Word Count: 300 Summary: ( Lana is wrong. )